2 Easy Steps to Measuring your Excavator or Backhoe to add a Thumb Attachment August 08 2014, 2 Comments

Mechanical thumb attachment how to measure You've made the decision to purchase a thumb attachment for your Mini Excavator or your Backhoe.The next question you need to answer is finding the right size and type of thumb. Thumb sizes can range due to factors such as bucket size or if the machine has a quick connect.  The best and easiest way to do this is to measure your machine in 2 very simple steps.

2 steps to measuring your Excavator or Back hoe for a thumb attachment

Step 1 is to position the stick of the machine and the bucket at a 90 degree angle. (see diagram below) 

Step 2 is to measure from the stick of the machine to the edge or teeth of the bucket.


Mini Excavator thumb and backhoe measuring instructions


It's that simple.Yet the biggest mistake people make when ordering a thumb is that they get the wrong size.

This can be easily avoided by taking 5 minutes to do some quick math. Insuring you get exactly what your looking for in an attachment. 

Hope this helps some of you out there.

-Mr. Mini Excavator