Cat 305 Excavator Thumb October 13 2016, 3 Comments
Caterpillar 305 Thumb
Start handling material like a professional operator. No more tearing up the arm of your machine trying to get a hold of demo debris, trees or boulders. If your looking to improve your Caterpillar 305 adding a manual or hydraulic thumb attachment will allow you to increase productivity and safety while adding value to your machine. recommends a 32" thumb based on your machines operating weight.
Our Manual and Hydraulic Thumb :
- 32" Weld-On Mechanical Thumb - (manual adjusts to 3 positions)
- 32" Weld-On Fully Hydraulic - (fully retracts against stick using only hydraulics)
- 36" Pin-on Hydraulic Thumb - (Built to Spec)
In order to get the most accurate size we suggest you measure your machine as the needed size may vary due to other attachments such as a quick connect. This only takes five minutes.
Cat 305 Thumb Features:
- Fully Welded Design
- Solid Steel Center Plate
- 1/2" Tines with Aggressive 1" teeth
- Full Retraction and Extension
- Hardened Steel Pins
- Universal Mounting
To get the most accurate size for your machine we suggest you measure to get the perfect fit.
Thumb Measuring Instructions:
1. Place the stick of the machine straight and the bucket angle to form a 90 degree angle with the stick.
2. Measure from the Stick of the machine to the teeth or edge of the bucket.
- For a diagram follow this link to our site. > Measuring Instructions
- Follow this link for specs, pictures and descriptions. Click here --> Pictures of Thumbs
All of our products are proudly made in America. At We are dedicated to providing a quality product at an affordable price. Making us the #1 online retailer of Thumb Attachments. Place your order online or give us a call today at 216-400-8222.
John McCoy on June 12 2018 at 11:33AM
I have a 2003 Cat 305C-Cr looking to add a hydraulic thumb what is the price for the whole kit. Weld on ?? Does the kit include everything out of the box besides welding???
Anthony - Online Support - on April 03 2017 at 04:30PM
Hi TJ,
Thanks for requesting a quote on a Built to Spec Pin-On Thumb for your Cat 305 Excavator.
We suggest a 36″×12″ Thumb Attachment for the Cat 305 Excavator.
TJ Leach on April 02 2017 at 01:37PM
Looking for the pin on thumb for a cat 305